Tuesday 20 October 2009

Farewell, Sweet Love

Farewell, Sweet Love
Tears fall from my eyes, none from yours
Your struggle is over, so many wars
Fought so bravely, with so much strain
And now you are beyond all pain
What happens after death? We do not know
Perhaps in our hopes, you too can boldly go
Where no one has gone before, a voyage
With your beloved Trek, so now engage
Four happy years, mapped onto an eternity
Cantor would have wept if he could see
A poor mathematician like myself, my love
Making sense of the irrational, of all above
You wove so many names, a Namer truly born
A "ninky-nonk", the "shelley house", fun to adorn
And for your friends names, myself as a "vole"
So much fun, childlike amusements, so droll
We had such fun together, so many delights
Educating me in so many ways, such insights
A sharp intellect to rejoice with, a fellow mind
Empathy was your great gift, you were so kind
And I came to you, resting on the bed, asleep
But it was not sleep, and I could only weep
I took your hand, kissed you farewell for now
Until I join you, at Peace within the Tao

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