Wednesday 11 January 2017

The Sam Mezec Portfolio of Expressions

By way of something light-hearted, do you notice how newspapers always manage to find an appropriate expression for the story.

I thought I'd look at several well-known politicians in this occasional series and look at the wide range of expressions displayed to the general public. Some look moody, fierce, happy, joyful, and indeed the whole gamut of emotions are often present. I started with Chief Minister Ian Gorst, which can be seen here:

And now to show political balance, here's Reform Deputy Sam Mezec:

The Schoolboy Look. Is that an old school tie?

Election Broadcast

Accidental Placement of Poster!

The answer, like the hair, is blowing in the wind.

A very dapper and suave looking Mr Mezec

Game of Thrones!

Hair very neat for TV interview. Harry Potter glasses.

Reform Rocks! 

Through the Porthole. A rather surreal photo!

Startled Rabbit - did someone mention "hair cut"?

A very stylish appearance.

The Deputy speaking  in the States. 

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